


File the FAFSA!


UHart School Code

  • 我们的联邦学校代码是001422.

Apply by Feb. 15

  • 我们的FAFSA优先申请截止日期是2月11日. 15. The FAFSA is available online.


That's why we offer scholarships that can reach up to full tuition for academic merit, 艺术才华与表演, 以及特定项目的兴趣. Additionally, 有资格获得最高级别学术奖学金的学生将被邀请参加年度全额学费奖学金竞赛. 

奖学金是一种你不需要偿还的经济援助! 了解更多立博体育官网如何申请这些奖学金机会的立博网站中文版.

Academic Scholarships I Talent Scholarships I 康涅狄格居民奖学金 | Graduate Scholarships & Assistantships I Transfer Scholarships I Program-Specific Scholarships I 国际学生奖学金在校学生奖学金 

Academic Based Scholarships


授予你的学术奖学金, the Office of Admission considers the overall picture of your academic performance, so that a single factor like your SAT score may not automatically result in a smaller scholarship. As a general example, SAT分数在1090分以上的学生, 在班上排名前20%或更高, and with a GPA of at least 3.其中45人可以获得23000美元和全额学费之间的奖励.

Application Process

你不需要申请这些奖学金, 在你的入学申请审查中,你将被自动考虑.  

学术奖学金可以续期(最多四年), provided the student maintains continuous full-time status and a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (3.国家荣誉奖学金获得者25人). 不符合续期标准的学生将失去奖学金.

 Scholarship Eligibility
  • Scholarships are renewable each academic year (up to an aggregate total of four years), 只要你保持全日制注册状态, a minimum 3.累积平均绩点(GPA)为0,学业成绩良好.
  • 不符合续期标准的学生将在大学剩余的注册期内丧失奖学金. The scholarship will not be reinstated should the student regain the required cumulative GPA at a later date.
  • 经济需要不是决定这些奖学金资格的一个因素.
  • An academic scholarship may not be combined with any other non-need based scholarship from the University, 但可能会与其他基金合并,以满足您证明的财务需求.
  • Academic scholarships are awarded to citizens or permanent residents of the United States. 有关国际学生奖学金的立博网站中文版, 请参阅国际学生简章.
  • Applicants to The Hartt School are considered for talent awards up to full tuition therefore, 学术奖励将是有限的.

Each year, UHart邀请符合条件的学生参加我们最高级别学术奖学金的竞争,这些学生在学术上取得了很高的成就, 被艺术学院录取了 & Sciences, College of Education, 护理和卫生专业, College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, 以及巴尼商学院.


Talent Scholarships


  • Artistic Merit
  • Hartt Performing Arts

这些奖学金不是基于需要,而是在入学时由相应的学院颁发,并且每学年更新一次. 每个奖项的续订期限各不相同. 你应该向学校了解详情. 续签是基于保持全职状态, 录取通知书中相应的平均成绩, 以及令人满意的学业进步. 不符合这些标准将导致取消该奖项.

人才奖学金不能与其他非基于需求的奖项合并. 奖学金最高可达全额学费.

哈特福德艺术学院(HAS)根据学生的作品集审查质量和学术成就,为进入全日制学生提供最高可达全额学费的人才奖励. 学生在入学时被告知这些奖项.

Scholarship Guidelines:

  • 学生必须保持至少3.0 cumulative GPA.
  • 根据哈特福德艺术学院院长的建议,这些奖项每学年(最多四年)可续期.
  • These scholarships may not be combined with any other non need-based scholarships or grants.

哈特学院根据面试结果和学业成绩为进入全日制学生提供全额学费的奖学金. 学生将在入学时被告知这些奖项.


  • 奖学金为期一学年,可根据年度评估续期(最多四年). 被大学录取的双专业或五年制课程的学生可以获得最多五年的奖励.
  • 学生必须保持最低累积GPA为2.立博体育官网的所有课程成绩为75分,或者累积GPA为3分.0 in their major field(s) of study at The Hartt School and quantitative academic progress.
  • These scholarships may not be combined with any other non need-based scholarships or grants.


Below we've highlighted some scholarship opportunities specific to residents in Connecticut and its towns/cities.

从2020年秋季学期开始, 符合条件的康涅狄格州一年级学生可能有资格获得3美元,康涅狄格奖学金, renewable for four years. The scholarship will be added to any merit and need-based scholarships offered by the University.  

Eligibility Details:
  • 被立博体育官网录取为全日制学生, 第一次本科(大一)从2020年秋季学期开始.
  • Submit Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the FAFSA Priority Deadline of Feb. 15.
  • Family income is below $50,000元,定义为学生及家长经调整后的总收入, as reported on the FAFSA. 这一点有待核实.
  • 如果学生取得令人满意的学业进步,可续签四年, 由他们的学校/学院定义.
  • 助学金总额不能超过学生的学费.
  • Eligibility will be automatically determined at the point of financial aid awarding. 不需要额外的表格.

请注意,该奖学金可以与哈特福德/布卢姆菲尔德奖学金和哈特学院的奖学金结合使用. 但是,它不能加入任何体育奖学金或国家荣誉. 

These non need-based scholarships are awarded to students maintaining residency in Hartford, CT, attending full-time, attending a Hartford Public School (includes Magnet schools) or eligible schools that are part of the CREC program. 续签是基于保持全职状态, residency in Hartford, CT, 并且学业成绩符合学校的要求.

Application Process

哈特福德奖学金与学生的成绩奖学金(不包括体育奖学金)相结合,使奖学金总额达到学费的一半. 如果学生的成绩奖励超过学费的一半, 该学生将额外获得1000美元的哈特福德奖学金. 申请奖学金的申请人必须:

  • 在3月15日前完成入学申请
  • 4月15日前被大学录取
  • 5月1日前提交入学保证金

These non need-based scholarships are awarded to students maintaining residency in Bloomfield, CT, attending full-time, and attending a Bloomfield Public School or eligible schools that are part of the CREC program. 续签是基于保持全职状态, residency in Bloomfield CT, 并且学业成绩符合学校的要求.

Application Process

布卢姆菲尔德奖学金与学生的成绩奖(不包括体育奖学金)相结合,使奖学金总额达到学费的一半. 如果学生的成绩奖励超过学费的一半, 该学生将获得额外的1000美元布卢姆菲尔德奖学金. 申请奖学金的申请人必须:

  • 在3月15日前完成入学申请
  • 4月15日前被大学录取
  • 5月1日前提交入学保证金

Graduate Scholarship & Assistantship Opportunities

Below are scholarship and Graduate Assistantship opportunities available for students.


At the University of Hartford, 我们致力于促进多样性, equity, 包容和社会正义(DEIJ)在我们社会的各个方面. 作为对学生承诺的一部分, 我们设立了研究生DEIJ奖学金, 它旨在承认我们的学生在促进和促进公平和包容方面的重要贡献, the campus community, 在他们未来的工作和职业生涯中.

Many programs have scholarships, stipends, 并且为被录取的合格学生提供助学金. 

许多研究生课程为入学和返校的学生提供助学金. 有关研究生助学金和申请截止日期的更多立博网站中文版,请联系您的学校 program directly. Please note: assistantships, fellowships, 或其他支持,学生收到作为注册的结果可能会对联邦斯塔福德贷款资格产生影响.

Transfer Scholarships

有学术成就的准全日制转学生将被考虑获得最高20美元的学术奖学金,在入读这所大学时,我付了000英镑. Eligibility is also contingent upon the timeliness of your application for admission and the availability of funds.



  • Berkshire Community College
  • Holyoke Community College
  • Greenfield Community College
  • 斯普林菲尔德技术社区学院
  • Dean College

这些学院的校长最多可以提名三名学生. 被提名的学生必须:至少获得3分.至少45个学分的累积绩点, have been awarded their Associates degree and plan to enroll as full-time students. 每个参与的学院可能会制定额外的标准.

奖学金的数额是3美元,每年5000英镑(仅限秋季和春季学期), 总共不超过两年. The scholarship is renewable provided the student maintains satisfactory academic progress, 全职,至少3个.0 cumulative GPA. 

在哈特学院注册的学生没有资格获得学术奖学金, like the one listed above, 然而,他们有资格 talent-based scholarships.

Non U.S. Citizens, part-time students, and students with a previous Bachelor’s degree are also ineligible for this scholarship.

这些非基于需求的奖学金提供给本科生(美国).S. 获得副学士学位的公民或永久居民.

The Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Advisor must submit a letter of nomination for any qualified student. 被提名的学生必须:至少获得3分.在完成副学士学位后获得5个累积GPA,并计划在两年制大学毕业后立即注册为全日制学生.

奖学金的金额是30美元,每年5000英镑(仅限秋季和春季学期), 总共不超过两年. 学生必须在两年制大学毕业后立即入学. The scholarship is renewable provided the student maintains satisfactory academic progress, 全职,至少3个.0 cumulative GPA. 该奖学金不得与任何其他非基于需求的奖学金合并.

Deadline: May 1

  • We must receive a nomination letter from the Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Advisor by this date.

Additional Requirements

  • 学生必须提供他或她以前大学的正式最终成绩单形式的毕业证明. This should be mailed to us after the degree is earned and is required before the scholarship can be awarded.

Scholarship Guidelines

  • Scholarships are renewable each academic year (up to an aggregate total of four years), 只要你保持全日制注册状态, a minimum 3.累积平均绩点(GPA)为0,学业成绩良好.
  • 不符合续期标准的学生将在大学剩余的注册期内丧失奖学金. The scholarship will not be reinstated should the student regain the required cumulative GPA at a later date.
  • 经济需要不是决定这些奖学金资格的一个因素.
  • An academic scholarship may not be combined with any other non-need based scholarship from the University, 但可能会与其他基金合并,以满足您证明的财务需求.
  • Academic scholarships are awarded to citizens or permanent residents of the United States. 有关国际学生奖学金的立博网站中文版, 请参阅国际学生简章.
  • 在哈特学院注册的学生没有资格获得学术奖学金, like the one listed above, 然而,他们有资格 talent-based scholarships.

Program-Specific Scholarships


The mission of FIRST 让和吸引新的学生进入工程和科学领域是国家至关重要的需要吗. 这一使命与立博体育官网的使命非常一致.

Scholarship Description

In partnership with FIRST立博体育官网每年将颁发5个立博体育官网的奖项 FIRST Robotics Scholarships in the amount of $2,5万元及符合条件的大学优秀奖学金. 这个奖项将颁发给高中毕业生,他们是a FIRST Robotics Challenge or First Technical Challenge team for at least 2 years during high school.

Along with FIRST participation, to be considered for this scholarship opportunity students must:

  • 被工程学院提供的任何课程录取, Technology, 立博体育官网建筑学硕士
  • 符合大学公报中列出的大学校董会或校长奖学金的学术要求
  • 居住在美国大陆.



To apply for this scholarship,感兴趣的学生必须完成一份 申请入读该大学, as well as 提交奖学金申请 and Coach Recommendation Application. The $35.00 admission application fee will be waived for any student applying for this scholarship. 请将所有文件发送到下面的联系人.

Application Deadlines

  • 此奖学金的申请截止日期为 March 1. FIRST application must be received before or simultaneously with application to the University.
  • 希望申请的学生应在3月1日之前完成申请.

美国ACE导师计划(ACE)的使命是参与, excite, 并启发高中生追求建筑事业, engineering, and construction through mentoring and continued support for their advancement into the industry. 这一使命与立博体育官网的使命非常一致.
Scholarship Description
与ACE导师项目合作, 立博体育官网每年将向三名学生颁发5美元的立博体育官网ACE导师计划奖学金,5万元及符合条件的大学优秀奖学金.  该奖项将颁发给对建筑或工程感兴趣并参加ACE导师计划的高中毕业生. 


  • 成为ACE的活跃会员至少两年;
  • 被工程学院提供的任何课程录取, Technology, and Architecture, 建筑专业的学生优先考虑.


To apply for this scholarship,感兴趣的学生必须完成一份 申请入读该大学, as well as 提交奖学金申请 and Mentor/Advisor Recommendation Application.  请将所有文件发送到下面的联系人.

Application Deadline
该奖学金的申请截止日期是 March 1
Contact Information
University of Hartford | 860.768.4296

通过与世界事务理事会的伙伴关系, 立博体育官网将为康涅狄格州世界事务委员会(CTWAC)模拟联合国项目的两名参与者提供奖学金. 奖学金名单将于4月1日公布.

Scholarship Description

与康涅狄格州模拟联合国世界事务委员会合作, the University of Hartford will annually award two CTWAC Model UN Scholarships in the amount of $2,可续借4年,共8美元,每名学生000美元)以及合格的大学优秀奖学金.

To be considered for this scholarship opportunity students must meet all of the following criteria:

  • 在申请截止日期前被立博体育官网录取
  • 有至少1年的CTWAC模拟联合国经验并得到顾问的确认
  • Submit application including an essay to University of Hartford’s Financial Aid office by applicable deadline
  • 提交导师的参加确认书和推荐信


该奖学金最多可续期4年,共8个学期. To qualify for annual renewal, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress 由他们的学校/学院定义.


要申请这项奖学金, interested students must first complete an 申请入读该大学, as well as 提交奖学金申请 以及导师的参与确认书/推荐信.

Application Deadlines

  • 3月1日——大学入学截止日期
  • 3月15日-补充申请截止日期

Scholarship Description

The University of Hartford will annually award five DECA Scholarships in the amount of $2,5万元及符合条件的大学优秀奖学金. This will be awarded to high school seniors who were members of DECA for at least 2 years during high school.

Along with DECA participation, 要考虑获得此奖学金机会,学生必须被巴尼商学院提供的任何课程录取


To apply for this scholarship,感兴趣的学生必须完成一份 申请入读该大学, as well as 提交奖学金申请 and Advisor Recommendation Application. The $35.00 admission application fee will be waived for any student applying for this scholarship.

Application Deadline

  • 奖学金申请截止 April 1.


国际学生有资格获得学术和表演奖学金,这取决于他们的中学/大学成绩和/或音乐天赋, theatre, dance, or fine arts. International student applicants are not eligible for need based financial aid (FAFSA). 你可以在这里阅读更多立博体育官网国际奖学金的立博网站中文版.


学生经济援助办公室提供了一个连接的平台 current 学生获得捐助者资助的奖学金机会.This portal provides students with the ability to direct-apply to specific scholarship opportunities, 给他们的捐赠者写感谢信, 并探索外部奖学金的机会.

每个新学年都提供一个独特的机会,通过UHart奖学金门户网站完成一般申请, which when completed, may provide students with further access to specific scholarship opportunity applications.  学生应确保他们提交了有效的FAFSA, 审查他们的经济援助计划, and complete all financial aid requirements prior to pursing further scholarship opportunities.

学生可以访问该平台 here 使用他们的大学电子邮件地址和密码省略 ‘’ portion. 如果学生需要帮助重置他们的电子邮件密码,请联系UHart Help Desk Support.

Outside Scholarships

校外奖学金可以通过许多渠道获得, 但我们推荐以下网站来帮助您开始搜索. Please note that many of these scholarships are awarded in the beginning of the calendar year for the fall semester, 所以最好早点开始找工作.


American Savings Foundation










康涅狄格社区基金会 (适用于大沃特伯里和利奇菲尔德地区的学生)


今天就开始你的犹他大学之旅. Take the next step.